I want to Be Myself...

first sekali Fariha nak tanya kepada korang yang masih bergelar student sekolah...
"how your holidays??bored or excited??"
If you asking me how my holidays...my answer is.. it very very boring and disgust..
Fariha pon x tahu adakah cuti sekolah 2 weeks nie akan menjadi cuti sekolah yang menyeronokkan atau 
cuti yang paling x dinanti nantikan oleh semua students sekolah..
okey...maybe my big boss still in the planning how to arrange my holidays..
back to our topic.."I want to Be myself"
Maybe you are wonder about my topic... Want to be myself..
Do you not yourself...
Fariha memang diri Fariha sendiri..tapi Fariha nak jadi diri Fariha sendiri without imitating other person of their characteristic...Fariha selalu nak tiru gaya orang lain berfesyen...how their manage their speak...
macam2 Fariha nak tiru...kadang2 Fariha terfikir...I must be myself..
but I don't know how to be myself and how to be confident with myself..
maybe I have to try  harder to be confident with myself..
I just need support from my friends and family...
the impotant is
I want to be myself which is not heated by others..

Thankz for reading..comment tau.. :D


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